HOW TO: Synchronise reading position between several devices running Freda (20 replies)
Images not showing after the update (12 replies)
Add Amazon Polly Support **PUH-LEEEEZZE** !!! :-) (9 replies)
Line break after paragraph (8 replies)
PDF Capability (7 replies)
Text Find function (7 replies)
Version 5.0 - circles displayed along the top and bottom of the reader pane (7 replies)
win10 cache directory (6 replies)
HOW TO: Control Text Selection Behaviour (6 replies)
Allow each book to use its own preset (6 replies)
Pin To Start Feature (6 replies)
Premium Features: Remove Advertising / Freda+ (5 replies)
Freda not loading on Windows 11, help! (5 replies)
Can I open multiple books at the same time, or run more than one copy of Freda? (4 replies)
No animation on next page / page+ / page - (4 replies)
HOW TO: Connect to Calibre (58,072 views)
HOW TO: Synchronise reading position between several devices running Freda (31,561 views)
HOW TO: Customise Freda (settings, controls and presets) (20,677 views)
PDF Capability (19,802 views)
HOW TO: Control Text Selection Behaviour (17,275 views)
Add Amazon Polly Support **PUH-LEEEEZZE** !!! :-) (15,252 views)
Text-to-speech is in the wrong language (13,973 views)
Premium Features: Remove Advertising / Freda+ (12,304 views)
Images not showing after the update (11,723 views)
FAQ (10,494 views)
Can I open multiple books at the same time, or run more than one copy of Freda? (8,677 views)
How to view all Highlights (8,581 views)
HOW TO: Set Calibre to use Freda instead of its built-in reader (8,553 views)
Dictionary (8,518 views)
Book incorrectly seen as 1 page long (8,070 views)