06-19-2020, 11:52 AM
Freda update 4.34, 19th June 2020: Change Log
- When an SVG element specifies width and height in %, and it has a viewBox, then interpret the % values relative to the width and height of the viewBox.
- Make table rendering more robust – don’t barf if some rows are shorter than others; retry layout in simpler ways if it fails first time.
- The settings popup for font should, if ‘advanced rendering’ and ‘book style overrides Freda font selection’ are both set, include a message noting that this font will be overridden by the book’s font (and mentioning the possibility of adjusting ‘book style overrides Freda font selection’).
- Fix lookup in the lexico dictionary, following the changes to their website.
- (Android) When a glyph is missing from a font, use Noto Sans instead, or get the system to find us a font.
- Make my background threads ‘long-running’.
- (Android) change the behaviour of the settings screen so that it only applies the settings and repaginates the book when you tap ‘ok’ on the settings flyout. [because otherwise it’s very laggy when you start adjusting settings]
- When reading aloud, include emphasis (note: the Android TTS engine appears to ignore emphasis anyway)
- (Windows) – Implement a UI behaviour so that mouse-drag and finger-swipe are treated differently – i.e. mouse-drag always does select text, whereas finger-swipe may change pages, or select text, or be ignored. This does seem like the sort of thing a user would expect.
- Implement EPUB 3 CFIs for bookmark/location mark logic, and use it to define my bookmark & highlight locations in a portable way.
- When a block element has a width property assigned to give it a narrower width than its parent, and has textAlign “right” or “center”, then move the block over so that it is aligned correctly.
- (Android) BUG FIX: fix coding issue with deobfuscating embedded font files.
- When a CSS @font-face declaration uses a number to specify a font-weight, interpret 500 and under as ‘normal’ and 600+ as ‘bold’.
- Integrate Vungle advertising API and only fall back to AdsJumbo if Vungle has no ads for us. (To think about later: Pubfinity, IronSource).
- Improve handling of ‘v’ elements in FB2 books.
- BUG FIX: ‘ERROR: MainViewModel.LibraryBookIdForURI - exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.’ – which happens particularly when you download multiple books in one go.
- (Windows) Revert to using the WebView-based code for SVG image rendering (the wieslawstoltes Svg.Skia library is not stable in production)
- (Windows) Accessibility: implement an option to use a ‘keyboard accessible UI’ on the reader screen, using cascading flyout menus.
- (Android) Use HarfBuzz shaper when rendering Devanagari text. (hopefully meaning we get ligatures right)