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Full Version: Allow hiding the bottom for speed reading
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I find it distracting to see at bottom the speedreading additional window.

Please allow hiding that.  Just show the page changes in main window.

Hitting the x, as you know, not only closes the speed reading additional window, it also stops the speed reading itself.

Nicholas Kormanik
(03-11-2023, 08:12 AM)nkormanik Wrote: [ -> ]I find it distracting to see at bottom the speedreading additional window.

Please allow hiding that.  Just show the page changes in main window.

Hitting the x, as you know, not only closes the speed reading additional window, it also stops the speed reading itself.

Nicholas Kormanik

Thank you for the feedback.  The next version of Freda will adjust the behaviour of the speed-reading ribbon, so you can move it or minimise it, without interrupting speed-reading.