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Full Version: Columns not working on android 9
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Im am not sure if it is becouse of android 9,but the columns in portrait mode don't work. Only shows 1 column even when is selected 2,3,4 or 5.

In landscape it works tough.

Not sure if that could be a problem with the Huawei mate 20 x, or the 9 version of the operative system. 

(03-18-2019, 09:37 PM)Hometown Wrote: [ -> ]Im am not sure if it is becouse of android 9,but the columns in portrait mode don't work. Only shows 1 column even when is selected 2,3,4 or 5.

In landscape it works tough.

Not sure if that could be a problem with the Huawei mate 20 x, or the 9 version of the operative system. 


Thanks for the report.  That is very strange.  I just tested it on a couple of my devices, and I did not manage to reproduce the problem yet.  Could you possibly email me a copy of your log file, in case that offers an hints as to what is going on.  Instructions are here: http://www.turnipsoft.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=5


Thanks for looking at it so fast, 
I sent you the email! 

Let me know if i can do anything else 


J, García
I have been doing more of trying and coincidently discovered that the issue goes when the app goes "full screen". I have tested different things and indeed that is the problem.
in landscape, there is no issue at all with the columns or full screen.

I hope this gives some clue,