06-02-2021, 12:56 PM
Freda might not launch properly if the Microsoft Store application has a problem with its setup. You could try running the Microsoft Store troubleshooter (type 'store troubleshooter' at the Windows prompt). If you can get hold of Freda's log file, that might tell me something. Since Freda is crashing on launch, the best way to find the log file will be to look in Freda's private app folder. That will be in this folder:
C:\Users\<your name here>\AppData\Local\Packages\5957Turnipsoft.freda_ypmq2qh89vmny\LocalState\Freda
Note: you'll need to figure out what your Windows user name is, and put it in that path, where I wrote '<your name here>'
C:\Users\<your name here>\AppData\Local\Packages\5957Turnipsoft.freda_ypmq2qh89vmny\LocalState\Freda
Note: you'll need to figure out what your Windows user name is, and put it in that path, where I wrote '<your name here>'