Thanks for such a through and fast response Jim! The explanation of the fields in the annotation export file is very helpful.
I acknowledge that the app already offers most of the functionality, once you have found it, and that is not true of most other readers! I guess I am asking for even more, however, as I find that unless something is easy and smooth - preferably automatic - then it provides friction in my workflow and I tend not to use it. The way that Google Play Books is supposed to automatically save annotations to Google Drive is an example of what I am after, except that it doesn't actually work for me, so preferably something like that, but working ;-)
Re the two locations of a highlight / bookmark / note in the export file, is there any way to automate a link back to the position in the file? I am not aware of a standard that would allow this across apps, but just within the Freda app would be great. (I was not even aware of the "EPUB CFI format"!)
Thanks again for the apps and for your response.
I acknowledge that the app already offers most of the functionality, once you have found it, and that is not true of most other readers! I guess I am asking for even more, however, as I find that unless something is easy and smooth - preferably automatic - then it provides friction in my workflow and I tend not to use it. The way that Google Play Books is supposed to automatically save annotations to Google Drive is an example of what I am after, except that it doesn't actually work for me, so preferably something like that, but working ;-)
Re the two locations of a highlight / bookmark / note in the export file, is there any way to automate a link back to the position in the file? I am not aware of a standard that would allow this across apps, but just within the Freda app would be great. (I was not even aware of the "EPUB CFI format"!)
Thanks again for the apps and for your response.