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Can't import library
Hi, while initially downloading a collection of epub books from a folder, for me Freda always returns a “failed to download” error whether the source is a local folder or a network folder.

This is on Windows 10 tablet. Also tested on Windows 10 desktop, with same results.

A few books seem to get through initially then after maybe anything up to 20 or so are downloaded, a ‘download failed’ message is generated for an arbitrary book in the queue (after a long wait at that book), at which point the whole download process stops.

In Windows Explorer I can manually browse to and open that same book, and accessed this way, Freda opens it fine, and it also gets added to the Freda library – suggesting neither the file nor the path to it are the problem.

I can see that once that initially failed book has been manually opened from the source, the next one in the download list then automatically attempts to download, but always then it too generates a ‘download failed’ error, and the process stalls again.

There is also no way I can seem to clear all the remaining ‘failed to download’ books from the bookshelf, nor elegantly restart the queue once a failure has occurred.

The only way to attempt to restart the queue is to start it again from scratch, by adding the same folder again as a source.
The result when I try this is that the already loaded books are skipped, until the same arbitrary 'failed to download' book as last time is struck - so no progress is made - even though the book file/path themselves are always fine as noted.

Restarting the PC does not help.

While adding books individually/ one by one looks like it might work eventually, this is not a practical option for hundreds of books.

A possibly related issue is that, even though my OneDrive credentials are accepted, and there is plenty of free space, and I can access OneDrive in other ways,  from any PC Freda always reports ‘Bookshelf Synchronization:Cannot Connect to OneDrive’ (I still get the  'failed to download' issue even when OneDrive is not in use, so am guessing these OneDrive connection failures are not the cause of that issue - just a possibly related symptom)

Are these known bugs?

What are the best solutions?

Messages In This Thread
Can't import library - by ArchPrime - 05-13-2020, 10:33 AM
RE: Can't import library - by jim_chapman - 05-13-2020, 12:12 PM
RE: Can't import library - by ArchPrime - 05-14-2020, 12:43 PM

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